Draft Day ( 2014 )

Unlike all other sports films where it would be either about the coach or the team or any individual player but this movie stands out different. Its all about NFL Game which is considered to be equivalent to Soccer game in most parts of America and  there is a huge day called the Draft day which marks the official commencement of NFL season and also each teams Pick of the season where the General Managers would pick team members based on their Lott.  Kevin Costner is a GM for one such team and this movie portrays the various hurdles , politics , pushing he has to undergo to pick his team while taking into consideration not to hurt the team owner or the coach at same time. When movie starts we just cant understand anything unless if you are exposed to NFL game already if not it will run dry but as it moves on , things will make itself more clearer then before. When finally movie is at his end , we would just love it to see how Kevin managed this entire show bringing best players to this team with a perfect game play at top level. Though movie had rough patches and slow moving unwanted sequences , this is for sure one nice movie which talks about this rare game very well. I wouldn't say it as best but a slow emotional sports drama with lot of dream and ambitions with it. Its just like Money-ball movie. One time watch for sure if you are sports drama fan.


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