Movie : Cube ( 1997 )

Genre : thriller | Sci-Fi

Our rating : 7/10

Six complete strangers were put in to a cubic rooms which are possible as thousands in numbers. . And its continuosly displacing with time. .
Those six peoples were of different characters from each others & has their unique capablities in helping to get out of d cubic prison kind room made with entire high tech traps .
such a awesome thriller kind with psychic emotions of each persons in the fear of death & willing to free. .Interesting plot of cubes and when one of them, a high school teen plays with maths we almost getting freaked out. .The deadlist traps,the intense inner fear and emotions of humans in person is excellently portrayed in this flick. .
The reason behind the fact,why they were in this cube is not clear even after the end,but somewhat we can get the reason from its sequel.

Plot :Six different people, each from a very different walk of life, awaken to find themselves inside a giant cube with thousands of possible rooms. Each has a skill that becomes clear when they must band together to get out: a cop, a math whiz, a building designer, a doctor, an escape master, and a disabled man. Each plays a part in their thrilling quest to find answers .

FAM's punch : worth watch thriller. A Mind bending movie


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