Fack ju Göhte (2013) | German

A complete fun riot right from the start and a beautiful rom-com with mixed emotions. A ex-con who just released from prison gets himself appointed as a associate professor at a school  inorder to find the stash of cash which was buried under school gymnasium from his previous robbery. To his surprise, his plans seems to be not that easy as expected as he had to justify his role disguising as a professor so no suspicion arises. Romantic subplot where he slowly gets attracted to a teacher is also wonderfully portrayed  and its so fuzzy to watch as their love blossoms with every minute. The way he slowly takes control of the students with his own style by being a bad-ass teacher and how he manages to bring them to discipline is a treat to watch. What happens to his love and Cash forms rest of the plot.Its definitely a feel good fun filled movie not to be missed and a genuine entertainer worth watching



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