Anklaget (2005) | Danish
Anklaget aka Accused , a danish family drama with a sensitive and complicated story which keeps us guessing till the end. A father gets accused of molesting his young daughter following which he gets arrested and sentenced in Jail. But further investigation reveals that the girl has a history of psychological issues and with benefit of doubt, he gets released as not guilty. But word spreads fast in town with people disassociating with him irrespective of his trail results and they start to mocking him as pedophile . Though his wife believes his innocence, yet Their entire family life gets shattered while their daughter still stays are protective shelter. Rest of movie is about how they live through these tough times and to know if the truth revealed itself at the end. The last few minutes conversation between father & daughter was shocking to the core making us feel stunned & shocked. Overall one slow moving drama which can shook you up towards the end. Dont miss it.