The Physician (2013)

Easily one of top notch movies i ever seen. It was while watching Perfume movie i had such a feel and after that its only this film The Physician. What a way of story telling making us travel to medieval times with such a beautiful backdrops with pitch perfect visuals supported by Amazing soundtrack. Wow..Seeing this movie , makes me wonder what would have gone through each of physicians while Diagnosing Diseases those days where Religion has more restrictions in the type of treatments given. This movie is about one such guy who travels from London to Madrasa which is in mid Africa to get himself admitted as a Student under Ibn Sina who is considered one of top physician of all times. How this journey evokes him to find cure of Side Sickness recently appendicitis also Black death recently Plague saving many people life making himself standout from rest of the student along with finding love of his life in process. The ending was more perfect for such a awesome movie and this is definitely a movie to be experienced and felt. A must watch film for any movie freak and a film which should take its place in must watch list not to be missed.


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