Peppermint Candy (1999) Korean

One of best scripted movie running in a reverse chronological order backtracking life of a depressed heartbroken person who's currently standing in a juncture of life near a river bank living through his last moments before he decides to commit sucide over a running train. From then on , the story movies runs backwards covering every stages of his life revolves through past events including his love cum broken marriage life which shatterer him completly from having a normal happy life. The way screenplay was done bringing the past in a perfect order one after the other without spoiling the continuity of the film was stunning work for its definetly not a easy script to handle and when movie ends at the same river bank where story places himself there without him knowing that after 20 years this would be the last place his story would end was top notch. Movie is not just about love but handles mixed emotions of a person at different stages interlinked and how one tends to break when everything around him shatters was wonderfully portrayed in this film.Movie is sad slow and melancholic yet a perfect drama giving a unique feel to it. A genuine movie not to be missed.


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