Risen (2016)

An excellent biblical movie beautifully portraying the events that took place between the time of Yeshua Crucifixion and his resurrection after few days. We might have seen so many movies on life of Jesus especially Passion of Christ recently but this film skips those parts and captures all those legends that happened after that. We would have heard about 12 followers of jesus like Peter , phillip , thomas , mathew etc but this movie covers the life of Claudius Lysias " the tribune" who was less spoken in history but played a vital part during those times who even was blessed to spend time with jesus along with this followers. Beyond belief and faith , this movie was perfectly executed making me enjoy every second of it but sadly underrated. Folks who liked The Last Temptation of Christ , The passion of Christ will definitely love this movie a lot especially while seeing those characters & events from bible coming live on the screen. Overall a movie which deserves much more attention then it actually got and one such historical film any movie buffs might not want to miss


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